
Based in the North East of England the foundations of our brand were built within the grassroots environment.

We knew if we could reinvent the relationship between club and supplier into a more reciprocated collaboration we could build a strong brand.

Within that concept Farrellys was born.



With a strong year behind us we became an established brand within the bespoke football kit market.

Heavily based on creative designs that expressed clubs values and visions.

A lot of hard lessons were learnt in this period which shaped the brand for the better in years to come.



Coming out of COVID we were extremely fortunate to be in a position to invest into our own factory within the UK.

This gave us the ability to control everything so we could perform much better for our partner's.

A big risk was taken at this stage but we believe in our brand and our vision.



6 years on from an idea the brand has never been stronger.

With an in house UK Factory & overflow factories in all corners of the world we are in a position to be ambitious.

We are a young, exciting and determined team who have a goal and we are moving closer every year to achieving it.

Join the Journey

Let's write this next chapter together...